Roving Archivist Linda

Title: Roving Archivist Linda Sampson

Byline: July 18, 2024

By: Linda Sampson

Welcome to my first blog post. My name is Linda Sampson and I am the new Project Archivist for the Roving Archive Program. I am here to start the next phase of the program where I will review the applications and start working with institutions.

A little about myself, I have a Masters in Business and a Masters in Library Science with a graduate studies certificate in Archival Studies. In addition to working on this project I am a substitute librarian for the High Plains District in Greeley, CO. I am very excited to work on this project and to work with various institutions across the state. 

The next steps in the program are to 

We will be accepting applications on an ongoing basis, however for on site visits and more in depth assistance it will be on a first come first serve basis.

I plan on regular updates to the blog and emails to help create a community where we can all help each other work towards the goal of preserving our history. 

Additionally, we will have regular virtual meetings where we can all discuss common concerns we are having in our archives and see what we can to to help each other. Look for more information about these meetings in the coming months. 

I look forward to working with you. Please let me know if you have any questions for me or about the program please reach out. You can reach me at the roving email