2024 Year End Review
Title: Year End Review
Byline: December 24, 2024
By: Linda Sampson
As 2024 comes to an end, it is a good time to reflect on what we accomplished throughout the year. This year has been a successful one for the Roving Archivist Program. Over the summer, I had the opportunity to travel across Wyoming, conducting on-site visits and connecting with numerous institutions.
Roving Archivist Linda
Title: Roving Archivist Linda Sampson
Byline: July 18, 2024
By: Linda Sampson
Welcome to my first blog post. My name is Linda Sampson and I am the new Project Archivist for the Roving Archive Program. I am here to start the next phase of the program where I will review the applications and start working with institutions.
Wyoming's Cultural Heritage Landscape: A Shout-Out to Jordan Meyerl
By Leslie Waggener and Sara Davis
We want to take a moment to give a shout-out to Jordan Meyerl for her amazing work in helping us lay the groundwork for the Roving Archivist Program (RAP) in Wyoming. This program is all about preserving and providing access to cultural heritage resources in the state, and Jordan’s contributions have been instrumental in making it a reality.
Something Strange in the Archives? Call the Roving Archivist! with Jordan Meyerl
By Jordan Meyerl
To celebrate American Archives Month, the Roving Archivist Program (RAP) hosted a brown bag event called “Something Strange in the Archives? Call the Roving Archivist!” on October 31, 2023.
Wyoming Roving Archivist Program Launches Directory
By Jordan Meyerl
The Wyoming Roving Archivist Program (RAP) has published its directory, a list of institutions in Wyoming with archival holdings.
Wyoming SHRAB Sponsors Upcoming Workshops
By Jordan Meyerl
The Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board (WY SHRAB) is pleased to announce three upcoming workshops focused on the management and preservation of electronic and physical records to be held in May and June of 2023.
Thank You!
By Jordan Meyerl
The Wyoming Cultural Heritage Needs Assessment Survey is officially closed, and we would like to thank everyone for their support!
New Year, New Data!
By Jordan Meyerl
Happy New Year, everyone! As we enter 2023, the Roving Archivist Program (RAP) continues to gather data from the Wyoming Cultural Heritage Needs Assessment Survey.
Survey is live!
By Jordan Meyerl
We are pleased to announce that the Wyoming Cultural Heritage Needs Assessment Survey is now live!
By Jordan Meyerl
Welcome to the first blog post for the Wyoming Roving Archivist Program (RAP)! I am Jordan Meyerl, the Project Archivist hired to work on the first phase of this grant-funded project.