Thank You!

February 9, 2023

By Jordan Meyerl

The Wyoming Cultural Heritage Needs Assessment Survey is officially closed, and we would like to thank everyone for their support! This project would not be possible without the dedicated support of the Wyoming cultural heritage community. The survey was closed on Friday February 3, 2023 after being made available on Friday December 2, 2022. In that time, we received a total of 69 responses from the 174 institutions it was shared with, equaling a response rate of 40%.

Over the coming months, I will process and analyze the data. All collected data will then be interpreted and placed into a report which will provide recommendations to serve as the basis for the Roving Archivist Program (RAP). This report will be manufactured over a couple of months by me with the assistance of the Wyoming State Archivist. In the meantime, we ask that you keep your eyes open for future updates regarding the project and our other efforts. 

We are currently planning two workshops to be hosted in late spring/early summer. These workshops represent the beginning of a series of workshops hosted by the RAP moving forward aimed at providing training and answering the questions related to archives for Wyoming' cultural heritage workers. The workshop topics were inspired by the results of our survey, and all future workshop topics will be based upon your feedback. Our goal with the RAP is to establish a collaborative community of individuals and organizations dedicated to preserving, interpreting, and celebrating Wyoming's unique history; we hope you will continue to assist us moving forward.

Update: As of Wednesday February 23rd, we've extended the survey deadline to March 10th, 2023. We are reaching out to outstanding institutions with the assistance of Wyoming SHRAB members. Please keep your eye out for further communications regarding the survey!